NMAP is an open source Network mapper written by Gordon Lyon (also known as Fyodor Vaskovich). This feature makes it easy for users to install complex software like NMAP and HYDRA. Rooting means having privileged facility over applications installed. TERMUX’s uniqueness lies in its non-rooting installation facility. They are also platform independent and their Android versions are also identical to their LINUX versions. TERMUX apps like HYDRAand NMAPare easy to use and install. LINUX has a history of being a programmer centric so the purpose of TERMUX app is to help Cyber Security professionals in monitoring systems and Cyber Security practices like Penetration Testing through Mobile Networks. Now you will be wondering why do I need LINUX apps?

In this guide we will learn about various Termux hacks, termux tutorials, termux wifi hack commands list, termux guide, termux tools, apk & packages & termux uses. A Third Party developer called “Anonymous” has developed a Linux-self contained App called “ Termux” which is used to install Linux based apps in Android and helps in running pure Linux apps in Android.