Oh I get why – set a prequel far enough back and nothing you do will directly contradict the later continuity because there’s a thousand years or more in between for things to sync up in, assuming you don’t blow up a planet ahead of schedule.” SWTOR, like KOTOR before it, is set a thousand years or more prior to the film series, but you’d never know that from looking at it. “This is why nothing ever changes in the Star Wars universe. It’s this game you play online with other people and there’s so much to do!” I’m in 7th grade and all my friends and classmates are abuzz with some game called RuneScape. I feel like two hours is plenty of time for any game to make their case for why I should continue playing.”

So I persevered for a little over two hours and by the end I felt it to be repetitive and unrewarding. I was ready to give up on it after a half hour, but I recognize that MMOs tend to start slow. “I’m not going to dwell on this very much, because everyone else seems to be enjoying it, but just for the record, I didn’t care for the New World beta very much. The game is designed to ‘force’ you into getting a subscription, but fear not! Through this guide, you will learn everything you need to know in order to be efficient with your inventory space, and never have to stop every five minutes to sell, discard or salvage stuff!” “One of the biggest issues new ESO players face is inventory management. (Maybe everyone else does the same thing but just doesn’t provide as much detail.)Īltar of Gaming: How to get max inventory and storage space in Elder Scrolls Online

“Turbine’s Patcher may not be any better or worse than any other patcher, but the game makes it looks like their file structure is such that it needs to manually and painfully update tens of thousands of files, even on a clean download. Player Versus Developer: The challenging DDO/LOTRO re-onboarding process “For some reason this is the only game I’m playing at the moment that just has one big pot for all of the craftables and stuff.” “Inventory management has always been an issue for me and I despise it in every game except for Warframe,” she writes. So which MMO is the best in this regard? For a fresh take on that, we turn to MMO blogger Creeping. Some games are far more generous with space and offer better sorting options, while others give you a shoebox and expect you to store your horse, armor, and sword inside of it. Inventory is something we have to deal with in, oh, pretty much every MMO that we play.